Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Unconnected dots

Hi there all you guys out there in blogger land, this title of unconnected dots just came to my mind as I was musing on how many times the Lord has shown me that I was suffering some trial, (whether it be physical pain, or something else), because of some spiritual misstep.  I know, I know many or should I say most people are not going to believe what I am about to say, but for the ones that do it could save you a lot of grief and pain, I promise. 

The scriptures do not just give you a bunch of information for no reason!!!  The Bible says ALL scripture is given for our learning, correction and our admonition.  So when you read something in the scriptures, (when I refer to scripture I am ALWAYS referring to the Authorized Version of the Bible, the King James Version), It is there for a REASON!!

Let me digress just a tad right here and say that I do understand that some new believers can't quite understand the KJV (King James Version) at first and at those times I highly recommend they get a copy of the "Good News Bible" just until they can comprehend and read the KJV. (this is MY opinion), you can disagree if you like.  (smile). Gail Riplinger for more info on the perverted versions of the Bible.

 The scripture plainly states that "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge".  Now either that is true or not.  I say it's true, so I will go over just a few "unbelievable" examples that have taken place in my own life and some I have seen in the lives of others. 

Personally I have experienced, stopped up ears, what I believe was a form of cancer, headaches, the beginnings of MS, hair loss, and severe pain in my hands (to the point of having to move one of my hands with the other hand because of the pain). 

In others I have seen melanoma cancer, MS, and even death as a result of some of these spiritual issues. This is just the tip of the iceberg, but I did not want to bog us down with all the details.  

One of the first things I would like to say in relation to all these things is first of all, no I'm not crazy, no I did not make this stuff up, the Lord has shown me most of these thing through blood, sweat, and tears, so to speak.  Fasting, and desperate prayer have allowed me to learn this the HARD way. 

The second thing I would like to say about this is that the scripture says that the husband is the covering of the wife and the salvation of the body, when a wife puts herself out from under the covering of her husband she unknowingly put herself in physical danger.  I have experienced this first hand.  Also if the husband does not take his place as the spiritual covering of wife and family this puts you at risk also.  My husband and I learned this the hard way as well. 

When I was in California, the most spiritual preacher I had ever heard (at the time), said that his wife kept getting sick and he would pray and pray for her, and keep telling her she had to have faith, etc. and then he said one day the Lord showed him that he was her spiritual covering and he was not taking his place in prayer as her covering and that is why she kept getting sick, he said he felt horrible for what he had been saying to her about her having a lack of faith.  He also said that once he started taking his rightful place in prayer as her spiritual covering that she got better and was not continually sick anymore.

I know I don't have room here to tell all the stories of how these things played out but I would like to tell one more that involved my hair getting thinner, (sounds crazy right) yep, it sounded crazy to me to but it was happening to me.  I prayed, I cried, and then the Lord led me to Isaiah chapter 3 and low and behold boom there it was, I had become a little to full of myself, haughty, etc. and the Lord healed my issues with that when I was able to through prayer and grace get my attitude back where it needed to be.

I could go on forever with these stories, but as I listed the problems I will just give a list of the fixes and refer you to some more in depth teaching on these things.

The list of causes range from, having a graven image in my house, disrespecting my husband, working with a couple of people that were over the top in the area of pride, and having hate in my heart for someone from my past.

The list of causes for those I had seen but it wasn't a personal experience range from turning away when someone is in deep spiritual or physical need. (that is a pastor who lost his church and passed away after the Lord led me very unwillingly to present that persons need to him.) Someone I knew who made a trip to Africa and came home with all manner of graven images etc. (that was the person who contracted MS).  The list goes on and on. 

The reason I wanted to share all of this with you is because the scripture says "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free", if you know where the attack is coming from and how to pray over it your Lord and Savior Jesus will give you the victory!!!  If you would like to find out more, I have videos on Vimeo (just type in videos about denise jeter) and videos on you tube (just type in denise jeter)

The videos mentioned are titled, Graven Images, fasting, familiar spirits, etc.)

I already know this will make some folks mad, it will make some think I am crazy, and it will help and deliver those who would never find help elsewhere, it is for the later I am writing this blog.  :)

Just a sheep speaking,
Denise Jeter

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